Thursday, November 23, 2017

Istwa Lavim #3

Mwen deside tounen nan peyim Ayiti epi chanje vizam pou yon viza etidyan. Pandan m Ayiti, Mwen te gen gran santiman poum sèvi peyim, espesyalman timoun ki pa kapab yo... 2 semèn aprè, Mwen tounen Utah............. Lèm tounen Utah, Mwen gen chans aksepte poum etidye BYU-Idaho, Mwen deside etidye online paskem chwazi rete Salt Lake poum travay konsa mwen te ka akonpli plis bagay. Mwen kontinye soti ak mennaj Mwen an. Yon bon lè deside prezantem paran l yon lòt fwa ankò. Li pat fasil pou Mwen men paske lanmoun pou li pi fò ke tout bagay, Mwen te toujou ret kwè ke tout bagay ap anfòm depi se volonte Bondye.

Malgre anpil eprèv ak moman, nou kontinye soti ansanm. Youn nan bagay kem kwè sèke lanmou pi fò ke nenpòt lòt bagay. Mwen sonje en jyen avan fèt Mwen, Mwen te deside tounen Ayiti poum vin pase moman sa ak fanmim. Mennaj Mwen dim kel tap renmen mwen rete isit, aprè anpil reflieksyon, Mwen deside rete isit.
An Jiyè, nou planifye pou nou al Ayiti ansanm. Akoz de sekirite ak pwoblèm prezidan ki te genyen. Nou deside mande paranm pou rantre isit pito. Manmanm finalman rantre Utah pou vin rankontre Mennaj Mwen ak fanmil konsa yo ka rekonèt paranm. Se te youn nan pi bèl eksperyans nan vim poum te prezante manmanm mennaj Mwen e mennaj Mwen manmanm kem renmen anpil anpil. Nou ye gen chans pase yon bon moman ak manmanm ak fanmi madanm mwen. Aprè 10 jou, manmanm retounen Ayiti.

Williamson Sintyl

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Istwa Lavim #2

Lèm te tounen Ayiti Jiyè 2015, pou Mwen se te sèl mwayen kem te genyen paskem pat ka pase egzamen anglè ki pou pèmèt mwen rantre lekòl la. Yon bon maten, pandanm pral legliz Kwadèmisyon, Mwen gen yon santiman kem dwe tounen Utah. Aprèm sot legliz mwen pale ak paranm pou wè kòman yo ka edem. Sa pran anviwon 2 mwa avan ke yo banm yon repons paskem pa tap travay.
Nan fen mwa septanm, mwen deside al viv LOUISIANA paskem te vle al travay avanm tounen Utah. Pandan m Louisiana, mwen reyalize kem pa nan yon bon pozisyon. Mwen te gen yon zanmim ki tap viv TEXAS kem kontakte pou pèmèt mwen rete lakay li pou kèk mwa avanm kem fè ase lajan poum al Utah. Pandanm Texas, Mwen travay di anpil anpil poum gen ase lajan ki pou mennenm Utah e ki pou reponn ak bezwenm. Mwen rekonesan pou akèy ak lanmoun kem te resevwa nan zòn Mwen te ye TEXAS la.
Nan mwa Desanm mwen kontakte yon zanmim ki rele Jameson, Mwen mandel èske paranm dakò poum desann lakay yo pandan map preparem pou lekòl? Li dim ke lap relem nan demen poul banm yon repons. Nan demen mwen resevwa yon apèl ke Jameson dim paranl dakò. Se te youn nan pi bèl jou nan lavim em te santi men Bondye pandan tout moman sa.
Nan semèn aprè a, yon zanmim ki tap sot Texas pou al Utah banm woulib. Yo depozem nan lakou Inivèsite a nan nwit lan. Mwen kontakte yon zanmim BOURDEAU, Mwen mandel sim ka dòmi nan apatmanl lan aswè a e demen yap vin chèchem. Li dim wi, li vin chèchem poum al dòmi lakay li. Nan demen maten Jameson vin chèchem poum al lakay li.
Pandanm rete lakay Jameson nan, Mwen al travay chak maten a 6 zè nan maten epi etidye paskem te detèmine poum pase tès anglè a. Mwen vin rankontre demwazèl ki te edem premye fwa lèm te fenk vin Utah. Demwazèl sa kòmanse soti avèm, Mwen envitel lakay kotem ye a pou rankontre moun kotem ye yo. Jou aprè jou, demwazèl sa vin mennaj Mwen, li vin yon bon zanmi pou Mwen. Yon sizyèm fwa Mwen deside aplike pou tès anglè a. Finalman, Mwen reyisi ak yon nivo ki plis ke sa lekòl la mande a.
Janvye 2016, Mwen deside tounen nan peyim Ayiti epi chanje vizam pou yon viza etidyan. Pandan m Ayiti, Mwen te gen gran santiman poum sèvi peyim, espesyalman timoun ki pa kapab yo... 2 semèn aprè, Mwen tounen Utah.............


Monday, November 20, 2017


Lèm te tounen Ayiti Jiyè 2015, pou Mwen se te sèl mwayen kem te genyen paskem pat ka pase egzamen anglè ki pou pèmèt mwen rantre lekòl la. Yon bon maten, pandanm pral legliz Kwadèmisyon, Mwen gen yon santiman kem dwe tounen Utah. Aprèm sot legliz mwen pale ak paranm pou wè kòman yo ka edem. Sa pran anviwon 2 mwa avan ke yo banm yon repons paskem pa tap travay.
Nan fen mwa septanm, mwen deside al viv LOUISIANA paskem te vle al travay avanm tounen Utah. Pandan m Louisiana, mwen reyalize kem pa nan yon bon pozisyon. Mwen te gen yon zanmim ki tap viv TEXAS kem kontakte pou pèmèt mwen rete lakay li pou kèk mwa avanm kem fè ase lajan poum al Utah. Pandanm Texas, Mwen travay di anpil anpil poum gen ase lajan ki pou mennenm Utah e ki pou reponn ak bezwenm. Mwen rekonesan pou akèy ak lanmoun kem te resevwa nan zòn Mwen te ye TEXAS la.
Nan mwa Desanm mwen kontakte yon zanmim ki rele Jameson, Mwen mandel èske paranm dakò poum desann lakay yo pandan map preparem pou lekòl? Li dim ke lap relem nan demen poul banm yon repons. Nan demen mwen resevwa yon apèl ke Jameson dim paranl dakò. Se te youn nan pi bèl jou nan lavim em te santi men Bondye pandan tout moman sa.
Nan semèn aprè a, yon zanmim ki tap sot Texas pou al Utah banm woulib. Yo depozem nan lakou Inivèsite a nan nwit lan. Mwen kontakte yon zanmim BOURDEAU, Mwen mandel sim ka dòmi nan apatmanl lan aswè a e demen yap vin chèchem. Li dim wi, li vin chèchem poum al dòmi lakay li. Nan demen maten Jameson vin chèchem poum al lakay li.
Pandanm rete lakay Jameson nan, Mwen al travay chak maten a 6 zè nan maten epi etidye paskem te detèmine poum pase tès anglè a. Mwen vin rankontre demwazèl ki te edem premye fwa lèm te fenk vin Utah. Demwazèl sa kòmanse soti avèm, Mwen envitel lakay kotem ye a pou rankontre moun kotem ye yo. Jou aprè jou, demwazèl sa vin mennaj Mwen, li vin yon bon zanmi pou Mwen. Yon sizyèm fwa Mwen deside aplike pou tès anglè a. Finalman, Mwen reyisi ak yon nivo ki plis ke sa lekòl la mande a.
Janvye 2016, Mwen deside tounen nan peyim Ayiti epi chanje vizam pou yon viza etidyan. Pandan m Ayiti, Mwen te gen gran santiman poum sèvi peyim, espesyalman timoun ki pa kapab yo... 2 semèn aprè, Mwen tounen Utah.............


Sunday, November 19, 2017



Lèm te fenk vin isit, se te touswit aprè misyonm pou legliz mwen fè pati ladanl lan. Mwen te gen yon gran dezi poum vin Utah vini lekòl aprèsa tounen al sèvi peyim, fanmim ak konstwi yon fanmi Ayiti. Aprè paranm te fin enskrim nan inivèsite CEDI, aprèm te fin pase egzamen admisyon an, Mwen te chanje ide rapid, paskem pat santi kem dwe al la. Mwen te bay tèt mwen yon bi ki te fèm pè anpil malgrem pat wè mwayen an nan menm moman an menm te pansel tap reyalize. Bi a se te vwayaje pou al etidye aletranje! Mwen sonje nan yon rankont ak paranm nan EPIDÒ klèsin nan pou konn kisam vle reyèlman nan vim. Lè yo te pwopozem pou yo te achte yon machin RAV 4 pou Mwen, Mwen te sèlman mande paranm pou achte yon tikè pou mwen poum ale Utah poum al etidye. Aprè anpil pale ak refleksyon, 3 jou aprè, yo achte yon tikè $1620 ameriken pou Mwen poum vwayaje (ki egal ak anpil kòb nan moman an). 
Lèm rantre isit, Mwen te lakay yon zanmi! Tout pandanm lakay zanmi an map travay sou aplikasyon m ak pyès lekòl la (BYU Brigham Youg University) mande a. Aprè kèk semèn, mwen deside pa rete menm kote a paskem pa t renmen fason ke moun alantou yo tap viv, li pat fèm byen ditou. 
Aprè yon rankont ak Evèk mwen, li envitem poum te vin viv lakay li. Mwen fè 4 mwa lakay li. 
Pandan 4 mwa sa a, Mwen travay di anpil anpil poum te reponn ak bezwenm paskem pat vle mande paranm nan moman ke yo tap edem ak lekòl la, Mwen te gen chans fè anpil zanmi epi pran legliz oserye. 
Mwen sonje kem tap preparem poum te pase yon tès anglè ki pou pèmèt yo akseptem lekòl la ki rele TOEFL ki te di anpil anpil. Mwen te jwenn èd yon demwazèl ki rele Sharla ki te edem anpil anpil ak anglè a, li te edem devlope anpil bagay ki tap ka edem reyisi tèt la paskem pat ka pase tèt sa! Chak lèm fin peye $160 ameriken epi mal pase tèt la Mwen pat reyisi. Mwen pase tès sa 5 fwa em pat reyisi. Mwen te rive yon moman kotem te vrèman dekouraje, Mwen deside retounen Ayiti. 
Mwen sonje yon 24 Jiyè, se lè sa Mwen te deside kite Utah poum te rantre Ayiti.
Lèm rive Ayiti......................



Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text
I grew up in a nice neighborhood. We all were expected to go to school and get good grades because that was necessary for future success and our parents will take care of the rest... The reason we all had to go do school and work hard to get good grades is because we have been taught that if we want to succeed in life, we have to succeed in school. I remember I had the second highest score in the Department and I was so happy about it. I truly believed that and I did all I could, not only to have good grades bur but to have a good influence on others and to build a legacy for my youngest siblings. After I graduaded from High School in Haiti. I started working on the things that were most important for me in life. I decided to work on going to College, working with my parents, create my own small little business (Cosmetic Products) but the most important was be a charge of my parents orphanage. I learned so much from that time where I was able to spend most of my time with the most kind, loving, happy kids on the planet. At the same time, I felt so bad for having them at the orphanage, because my wish for them was to see them with their family, not in the orphanage. I remember sometimes I would ask my parents what can we could do to make that posssible for them, and the answer are always "We are already doing what we can do to help them!" Which is having them here to take care of them. Right before my mission for my Chruch, I told myself that I will one day help those kids. I didn't know how and when but I did know one day I would do something that would change their life forever. 

After my mission, I decided to create something. I used everything I had in my mind to get the right idea and create something that will help this generation. I started my organization ARISE. I called it a project, a project for humanity. I started sharing my stories and invited youth to learn from it. I didn't want to have regrets in the future, I knew I had to do something. I didn't know exactly how until I turned on my phone one day to share a message about where my life was 5 years ago and where it is now. I want my nation and all other nations to know that life has so much in store for each one of them. They can go further in life if they work hard, plan, and believe in themselves. I started this project because I personally want to inspire the youth in this generation to accomplish great things with the power that they have inside of them. Because I want to help create leaders in all the commuties around the globe. I want them to know that THEY CAN DO HARD THINGS!!! 

Anybody can do anything if they want to, if they decide to... I invite those who are reading this right now to say those things to yourself. 

Williamson Sintyl
ARISE Project For Humanity

Friday, November 10, 2017


Rubens Georges and Valcin Mickelson served in the same mission I did. These men are incredible and I'm so grateful to call them brothers. I'm sharing this post to share a great lesson I learned from Georges that the world needs to learn too. Georges has an incredible project to help Haiti and he has his project written down. He decided to invite friends and family to come to his event so that he can introduce his project and show them how he wanted to help Haiti. He set up a day and invited everyone. When the day came, he was the only one who showed up and later that day his friend Valcin showed up. When Georges messaged me and talked to me about his frustration, I didn't see that people did not come to his meeting. All I saw was his confidence and his courage to stand for what he believes and draw his plan on the board and share it to his friend Valcin, even though all those chairs were empty. Those are the kind of people we want in this world to help us make a difference. People that believe they can move forward even when no one else comes with them! People who have the courage to act by themselves when the world tells them that they can't. People who hope and never give up faith on their passion even in hard times.

My message for each one of you today is to go after what you want and fight for it to make it a reality because If you don't, you will be stuck!  Not everyone is gonna believe in your passion, but that doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for it. You have the power to go and do it! We're living in a time where there are opportunities all around us, all we have to do is to JUMP. Because if we don't jump, our parachute will never open.

Today Georges is a part of ARISE and we are working together on his project. If anyone would like to learn of what Georges is doing in Haiti, please contact him at 

Williamson Sintyl
ARISE Project For Humanity